Dating App For Short Guys

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There is this weird prejudice in our society implying that a man has to be taller than his girlfriend – anything other than that is seen as “weird” or “unorthodox”. This often leads to many shorter men feeling insecure and anxious when it comes to dating taller women.

Actress Lizz Adams recently shared a picture of herself and her shorter husband

Image credits: Lizz

Image credits: Lizz

They have sex more frequently. A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at. The best dating apps for gay users, since meeting people IRL is hellish. In this case, the bullshit includes cisgender straight men. Lex (short for Lexicon, formerly known as Personals) is a. Dating app gives entire staff week off to combat 'burnout' Ladies, take note: The 4 biggest red flags to look for on dating app profiles College linebacker accused of beating man to death over.

Image credits: Lizz

“The reaction was much bigger than I’d anticipated, to be honest! It blew up after a couple of big accounts retweeted it, and I think it hit a nerve with a lot of people who misunderstood the intention behind it,” said Lizz in an interview with Bored Panda.

Image credits: Lizz

Image credits: Lizz

The woman is a comedian as well and says she speaks in hyperbole a lot which is probably why many people thought she was speaking badly about tall people. This was not her intention, however. “I am taller than my husband, who I love very much, but was just pointing out how arbitrary height requirements are, and that discounting a potential partner based on their height could prevent you from meeting someone really special,” said Lizz.

Lizz’s post inspired many other women who date shorter men to share their own adorable couple pics

Image credits: aiviloangel

Image credits: PorcelainAngelx

“I imagine it’s because of the reaction people have when they see a taller woman with a shorter man,” said the woman when asked why some men feel insecure being shorter than women. “I don’t think the stigma applies as much to non-hetero couples, but there’s this perception that women should be with men that are larger than them and that sort of toxic masculinity makes men feel like they have to be huge and strong to be manly, but being a good man has nothing to do with how you look.”

Image credits: whitalynn_xo

Image credits: geoff_green

Image credits: Mafedelori

Image credits: MissCandyKiss

Image credits: monetmignon

Lizz’s advice to girls interested in dating shorter guys and guys interested in taller girls is to shoot their shot. “Get to know the person you’re interested in, establish a connection and go for it!” says the actress. “If they’re not interested, that’s ok, they’re not the person for you, move on to someone who appreciates you for you, not just your optics!”

Image credits: tory_scribbles

Image credits: ashleesuv

Image credits: thedealwithalex

Image credits: AllieMore

Image credits: triceraranger

Image credits: EmmaleeAlese

Image credits: NMC2010

Image credits: jessielim_nyc

“I just wanted to add that the only thing I regret about my original tweet is making light of a very real disease that affects a lot of people. I didn’t mean to shade alcoholics, or imply that all tall people abuse alcohol, it was a flippant tweet I sent off without thinking, and I appreciate the people who brought that to my attention and apologize for any offense in that regard!” added Lizz.

People loved Lizz’s message

Image credits: SimianJimmy

Image credits: MMurderNews

Image credits: sadlver

Image credits: 2dead2tired

Image credits: Kamau_Afi

Image credits: koramadrama

Image credits: imchanyy


Image credits: TheSMonroeShow

Image credits: zenfruitbat

Image credits: christy56500806

Image credits: yvalaresistance

Image credits: JRanTheMan

Image credits: PorcelainB666

Oh, short guys. We love them, we hate them, and sometimes we date them.

I should clarify that I’m talking SHORT. Height is pretty relative. A girl who is 5’9' is obviously going to think most guys are pretty short.

But even me -- a gal of 5 feet and 4 inches -- has problems. When I say 'short,' I’m talking like 5’7' and under. That kind.


A little mini-guy. A munchkin. An Oompa Loompa man.

I once dated a tiny man. He was cute, but dang was he a shorty. He wasn’t exactly shorter than me, but he had maaaaaaaybe an inch on me.

He had ripped muscles, so he looked like one of those short, heavyweight wrestlers from the movies. Like, you know... squat.

There’s nothing wrong with dating a guy who’s shorter than you, but it does come with its difficulties.

Here are 11 very real truths about dating a guy who is shorter than you.

1. He loves you in high heels… until you actually wear them.

Your boyfriend loves a woman in heels … in theory. He’ll constantly ask you why you always wear flats.

Him: “But babe, you look so sexy in high heels.”

Me: “I know, but they’re so painful and annoying.”

What you’re really thinking is, 'I’m not wearing heels so I can be a solid 5 inches taller than you (and that’s in kitten heels).' When you do wear heels, he immediately realizes the error of his ways. Once you’re towering over him, he’s ready for you to get back down to his level.

2. You feel like it’s all anyone ever sees.

When you’re out in public and people look at you, you wonder if they're thinking that you're a girl with a short boyfriend.

He may have a beautiful face, killer abs and a stellar personality, but all you or anyone else can seem to focus on is that your boo is a tiny little munchkin. You try to ignore it, but it’s just always an issue. It never goes away.

3. It makes you self-conscious about your own height.

You have a whole new insecurity that you never could have predicted: He makes you feel like a giant.

Why couldn’t you just be 5'3'? Then this wouldn’t be an issue, and you could go on your merry way without constantly stressing yourself out.

You have to put away your heels and just resign yourself to wearing ballet flats for all eternity. You used to love being a tall, sexy woman, but now it just feels like a problem over which you have zero control.

4. It’s always lurking in the back of your mind.

Tall Women Dating Short Guys

Your internalization of the patriarchy makes you question why you’re dating him. Guys are supposed to be the tall ones, right? You feel insecure about it, and that makes you feel like a huge jerk.

You don’t want this to affect your relationship, but somehow it just does. No matter how many times you tell yourself you’re totally fine with this, it’s still there in the back of your head, eating away at your happiness.

It truly blows that something so seemingly silly could be such a cause of discontent. He can’t help that he’s short. What do you want him to do, wear stilts? You’re the one who agreed to date him in the first place, you a-hole! Ugh.

5. You don’t line up right during INTIMACY.

Of course, this can also happen with a tall guy. But having a short guy on top of you is always slightly awkward. When his feet reach only the tops of your ankles, it's weird.

Also, he’s small, so he isn’t exactly the cookie-cutter vision of masculinity. Sometimes you just want to be thrown around in bed by a big, hot stud. That's just not in the cards for you, my friend.

6. You find yourself justifying why you're dating him.

You find yourself saying things like, “But he’s really sweet!” or “He’s really funny, trust me.” Or even, “I don’t care about trivial things like height.” You should not have to make justifications about your choice of mate.

For some reason, people think that you must be desperate for a boyfriend -- just because he's short. I mean, why else would you choose a guy 'like that'? It’s pretty messed up that this is our reality, but there's no denying it.

7. You’re very strategic about taking photos together.

You have him stand while you sit. Or you make sure to sit down at the same time. You don’t want him to know that you’ve spotted an uneven surface and intentionally placed yourself on the lower part to give him a few inches. You just let it seem natural.

“What? No, babe, I’m not trying make you look taller. You just look so cute standing on that little ledge. Love you!”

8. You wonder if he shops for boys' clothes, and it makes you uncomfortable.

You just can’t help wondering, “Is that suit jacket from the boys' section at Barney’s, or what? Because I’m about 92 percent certain that is not a jacket made for an adult male.”

Dating App For Short Guys Without

Bonus points if you’ve looked at the tag. Minus points if the suit jacket really was from the boy’s section.

9. You constantly joke about his nubbin height.

I mean, what else are you supposed to do? He’s short and it’s funny. You can’t let it be the elephant in the room. You would go insane. So you call him your 'little munchkin' and ask if he can reach the top shelf without a stool.

The issue is that he is already self-conscious about his petite stature. It definitely doesn’t help when you’re constantly making fun of him. It helps you feel less awkward about it. But it makes him feel bad.

10. He is constantly trying to compensate.

He likes to brag about his career and how successful he is. He wants to be a “man.' He has a classic Napoleon complex. He talks loudly, makes crazy jokes and always wants to be the life of the party. You love him, but it can really be a bit much.

11. Guess what? He’s actually the best.

How To Date Short Guys

Luckily, he has an amazing personality, because he spent so long making up for his height.

The thing is, we don’t give the short guy enough credit. He tries harder, and he's funnier and nicer than the tall ones who don't put in the effort. The short guys are the real winners.

He may not be society's 'ideal' height, but he’s a good boyfriend -- and that’s what matters most.