Photofeeler Attractive

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Photofeeler Attractive

Photofeeler High Attractiveness

Photofeeler attractive redditPhotofeeler Attractive


Established Member

Photofeeler Attractive Pictures

Looked average enough to me so I plugged the guy into Photofeeler and after 20 votes he got 7.9 on attractiveness (above average). And their definition of attractive man is more narrow and uniform than ever before. Have Someone Else Choose Your Profile Pic. Most people can tell whether or not they look good in.

Reaction score
Some mention it as a helpful source to choose the best pics for dating apps. I've used it as well and have noticed the following:
For dating purposes you get rated for how smart, trustworthy and attractive you look. Obviously ony the latter really interests me. I do see differences in ratings for that, so that gives me a hint as to what are the better pictures of me that I have. I am not sure though as to what the percentage really says about your attractiveness in relation to your 'competition'. For example, I've used pics of other guys who I know are more succesful on Tinder who got lower rates than me on photofeeler - which begs the question if you get rated relative to how good you looksmax in the respective pic.
There is something else I've noticed: there are 4 categories; not attractive (1), somewhat attractive (2), attractive (3), very attractive (4).
Unlike others, I get almost exclusively 2s and 3s. I do not polarize. Welcome to the world of a friendly face that mothers in law would take for their daughters, but that is not manly and hot enough for the daughters.