What's The Best International Dating Site

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Inter­est­ed in dat­ing inter­na­tion­al women? Your best bet to find for­eign sin­gles in a con­ve­nient, afford­able way, is to sign up for an inter­na­tion­al dat­ing site. These sites will help you con­nect with hun­dreds of seri­ous women from East Europe, Latin Amer­i­ca, Asia or Africa. Here is our review of the top inter­na­tion­al dat­ing sites -

Jan 09, 2017 The best sites are recognized by the fact that they take advantage of the most relevant and contemporary cyber security methods and that’s something particularly important. With this in mind, you need to do your research for a bit and make sure that the international dating site that you are registering for is secured and reliable. The 5 Best International Dating Sites. #1 The Best Worldwide Dating Site. #2 The Best Asian Dating Site for Serious Relationships. #3 The Best Site to Meet African Singles. #4 The Best Caribbean Dating Site. #5 The Best Site for Latin Dating. The 199 Guide to Being Successful on International Dating Sites. 100% FREE Dating Site!, Personals, Chat, Profiles, Messaging, Singles. Millions of Members. Sign up for Free.

Best International Dating Sites


AnastasiaDate.com is the most pop­u­lar site fea­tur­ing very gor­geous women from Rus­sia and Ukraine. It was found­ed by a Russ­ian-Amer­i­can cou­ple who run Anas­ta­sia Inter­na­tion­al net­work and clear­ly under­stand the inter­na­tion­al online dat­ing world.

The site has an impres­sive mem­ber­ship of over 1,000,000 mem­bers! Why do we rec­om­mend AnastasiaDate.com? Sign­ing up is quick, easy and free.

Inter­est­ing­ly, sin­gle women do not join the site online but through a dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion process that con­firms they indeed live in Ukraine or Rus­sia. Their pro­files are also ver­i­fied to ensure that they are gen­uine. There­fore what you see on AnastasiaDate.com is what you will get.

We give AnastasiaDate.com our high­est rec­om­men­da­tion. Why not give it a try? Join free now.

Our Rat­ing: (9.5 / 10)


Anas­ta­sia Inter­na­tion­al net­work boasts of yet anoth­er excel­lent online dat­ing site, AsianDate.com.

If you are inter­est­ed in dat­ing sexy Asian women, this is the site to vis­it. AsianDate.com is the home of ori­en­tal Asian beau­ties. The site offers excel­lent inter­na­tion­al dat­ing ser­vices includ­ing email, instant mes­sag­ing and video chat to ensure you eas­i­ly get in touch with oth­er mem­bers.

If you want to vis­it a mem­ber that you like in her home coun­try the site will even arrange a romance tour for you.

Don’t waste anoth­er sec­ond, join free now and start chat­ting with 1000s of Asian women in an instant. Join today!

Our Rat­ing: (9.5 / 10)



Inter­est­ed in a real rela­tion­ship with a Lati­na woman? AmoLatina.com is where you ought to be look­ing.

The site fea­tures Latin beau­ties who are active­ly look­ing for soul mates. There are thou­sands of active Latin women cur­rent­ly fea­tured on the site from Mex­i­co, Colom­bia, Peru, Chile, Argenti­na, and many oth­er coun­tries in Latin Amer­i­ca.

Along with gor­geous Latin women, this site also boasts of high tech dat­ing ser­vices includ­ing email, phone talk and live chat. Their best ser­vice is def­i­nite­ly let­ter trans­la­tion. You do not have to wor­ry about com­mu­ni­cat­ing with women who only under­stand Span­ish. Your let­ters to each oth­er will be trans­lat­ed before being for­ward­ed.

AmoLatina.com is the num­ber one dat­ing site for men seek­ing Latin women. Reg­is­ter for free and meet 1000s of beau­ti­ful Latin women.

Our Rat­ing: (9.5 / 10)

#4 AfricaBeauties.com

AfricaBeauties.com is anoth­er mem­ber of the Anas­ta­sia Inter­na­tion­al fam­i­ly. With a glob­al reach, the site con­nects inter­na­tion­al men with beau­ti­ful authen­tic African women from Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Nige­ria, Ivory Coast and oth­er African coun­tries.

The site has many effi­cient com­mu­ni­ca­tion ser­vices, includ­ing email and even trans­la­tion ser­vices. To beat the dis­tance bar­ri­ers, the site offers mem­bers Video pro­files to make it easy for you and your poten­tial match to get to know each oth­er no mat­ter where in the world you are.

Reg­is­tra­tion is free and if you join now you, you can start chat­ting with hot African women in a mat­ter of min­utes!

Our Rat­ing: (9 / 10)

#5 iDateAsia.com

If you’re look­ing for the most beau­ti­ful women from South East Asian coun­tries such as Thai­land, Viet­nam or the Philip­pines, iDateAsia.com is the place that will pro­vide just that.

iDateAsia.com is part of Qpid net­work, a lead­ing inter­na­tion­al dat­ing ser­vice that works with local agen­cies in var­i­ous Asian coun­tries to con­nect Asian women with men from all over the world. The agen­cies ver­i­fy all pro­files to pro­tect mem­bers from online fraud.

We give iDateAsia.com a great rec­om­men­da­tion for includ­ing video pro­files of the sexy Asian women. This makes it very easy for you to get to know them bet­ter. When you are ready to meet in per­son, iDateAsia.com will make also make that hap­pen for you.

Join iDateAsia.com free now and start attract­ing gor­geous Asian women.

Our Rat­ing: (9 / 10)

#6 CharmingDate.com

CharmingDate.com is an inter­na­tion­al dat­ing ser­vice well known for its sin­cere, sweet and sexy women from Rus­sia and Ukraine.

The site has excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools like EMF Mail that allows your email to be trans­lat­ed in case of lan­guage bar­ri­er. You can also com­mu­ni­cate eas­i­ly with the ladies through live chat. CharmingDate.com has part­nered with local match­mak­ing and dat­ing agen­cies who intro­duce your pro­file to ladies who match your cri­te­ria mak­ing it very easy and fast to meet a per­fect match.

Want to meet the ladies in per­son? Don’t wor­ry CharmingDate.com will coor­di­nate all the details of your trip to Rus­sia or Ukraine, includ­ing trav­el and visa ser­vices.

The site is very easy to join, you can even use your Face­book details if you want. We def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend that you give CharmingDate.com a try, it’s free to join!

Our Rat­ing: (9 / 10)

#7 LatamDate.com

If you are look­ing to meet sexy Latin women you will def­i­nite­ly find them on LatamDate.com — anoth­er site that is part of Qpid net­work.

The site has an exten­sive net­work of amaz­ing­ly beau­ti­ful and pas­sion­ate Latin women look­ing for romance. Through it’s remark­able tools, you can con­nect instant­ly with the ladies via Live Chat or EMF Mail. Want to hear the women voic­es? No prob­lem! Just make a Love Call to talk to any girl of your choice and the best part is that the call has a 3‑way phone trans­la­tion ser­vice!

Join LatamDate.com now and begin your jour­ney to Latin love and romance!

Our Rat­ing: (9 / 10)

#8 ChnLove.com

ChnLove.com is anoth­er reli­able inter­na­tion­al dat­ing ser­vice from the Qpid net­work that is ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing men from all over the world meet beau­ti­ful Chi­nese women. It is a well run and designed site that has thou­sands of Chi­nese women signed up.

The site has plen­ty of rel­e­vant search options so if you don’t want to wait for the ladies to come to you it is easy to find some­one that match­es your inter­ests. All of the women you browse through are nor­mal­ly ver­i­fied by ChnLove.com’s staff to make sure that they are all gen­uine.

If you are tru­ly inter­est­ed in dat­ing Chi­nese women, we rec­om­mend this site for you. Join now, reg­is­tra­tion is total­ly free!

Our Rat­ing: (9 / 10)

Why Choose International Dating Sites?

Even if you are far away in a dif­fer­ent coun­try, free inter­na­tion­al dat­ing sites make it extreme­ly easy for you to get in con­tact with sin­gle for­eign women and help build a sin­cere rela­tion­ship with them. A free pro­file also helps you to expe­ri­ence the site fea­tures as you find out how online dat­ing works.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion on most inter­na­tion­al sites is nev­er com­pli­cat­ed. Sim­ply send an inter­est an email or invite her to chat. For some sites you may be required to pay a small fee to be able to access video chat. This is always worth your mon­ey.

Inter­na­tion­al dat­ing sites are per­fect for you as they give you an awe­some oppor­tu­ni­ty to inter­act with thou­sands of gor­geous women from East Europe, Latin Amer­i­ca, Asia or Africa all look­ing for for­eign men for seri­ous rela­tion­ships that could lead to mar­riage. It’s easy, safe, afford­able and fun. Don’t wait any longer, cre­ate your pro­file and get start­ed now!

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Russ­ian dat­ing sites

International dating sites have exploded with the advent of the Internet. While there are many honest and trustworthy sites that provide an honest, legitimate service, there are others that need to be avoided. Here are a few things you may have wondered about as you scanned your favorite site looking for the right girl for you. For more information get into the following links to help you make your best choice of your dating site;

#1 InternationalCupid.com

Internationalcupid is designed for people living in different countries to match, send each other messages, and make international connections.

The website allows users to create personal profiles which indicate their personal preferences. Users can also upload photos both publicly and privately, and make instant messaging connections which allow them to chat with other users in real time. The website has an excellent advanced search engine which allows you to find matches based on more specific nuances than the regular search function.

The website’s demographics are more skewed towards older male users who are looking for younger international female matches, which can be frustrating for some female members of the site who did not fit this demographic.

InternationalCupid highlights:

  • A large number of online users;
  • Available on the computer, tablet, and mobile phone;
  • Many free functions for standard members, such as, search function, winks, comments and replying messages from gold/platinum members for free;
  • The “block user” feature can prevent harassment from others.

#2 eHarmony.com

eHarmony is designed primarily for people interested in developing long-term relationships based on their personal compatibility.

International Dating Site Review

eHarmony places a lot of emphasis on the success of a relationship being due to compatibility in various areas, including aesthetic preferences, careers, personality types, interests/hobbies, and more. The website has an in-depth preference and personality algorithm called the 29 Dimensions of Compatibility, which are designed to help the site present you with matches that are logistically compatible with you. The entire website experience is heavily tailored towards personal customization; you can choose everything from what type of information shows up on your dashboard to what type of members can view your profile if they are matched with you and more.

The website has a limited amount of communication features that make the website not as dynamic as similar matching sites. For instance, there is no built-in video chat system for members, you cannot search for potential matches as they are automatically given based on your compatibility test, and you can only get a certain amount of matches per day. This means that your potential match pool is a lot more limited when compared to other sites, especially since you can’t actually search for other users on your own and must rely on the 29 Dimensions of Compatibility results.

Overall Rating:4.5/5.0

#3 Match.com

Match.com is an incredibly popular dating website designed for people looking for many different types of relationships, including hook-ups, long-term relationships, and everything in between.

Match.com is notable for its sophisticated search algorithm that is based primarily on the preferences you set when you sign up for a membership. These preferences take into account factors such as ethnicity, relationship status, location, relationship preferences, and even smaller nuances such as hair color. The more you use the site, the more your searches become tailored to your perceived preferences. The website also has a plethora of interaction and privacy options that make it possible to keep your profile private to a select few, or make it possible for most members to contact you if they are interested in taking things further. Members can upload photos and other personal details that will help move along the process of finding a suitable match.

It can take a while to get approved for Match.com, which is frustrating if you are trying to find matches as soon as possible; the reason for the lengthy approval process is that the website’s team wants to ensure that profiles are “real” and not catfishing or simply made up, but this is a downside for many people.

#4 InterracialMatch.com

Interracialmatch.com is designed specifically for singles interested in finding an international match for a variety of different relationship styles.

The website allows users to create profiles which indicate their personal preferences which makes finding and receiving compatible international matches very easy. Interracialmatch.com also has a unique blogging feature which allows members to create their own personal blogs on the site, and read the blogs of other members. Another great feature is the ability to upload private photo galleries and specifically chose which members have access to them, which makes it possible to create galleries specifically for your favorite contacts The service is open to people interested in all sorts of relationships, including long term relationships, marriages, one night stands, and casual relationships.

Depending on your personal preferences, some sections of the user base may be less active than others. This can be frustrating if you are looking for quick matches. The website does require users to pay for a membership subscription before they can see the last active date for members, which is a downside since you won’t know if the matches you’re interested in are active until after you pay.

#5 EliteSingles.com

Elitesingles is a dating designed specifically geared towards busy, professional singles who are looking to find matches quickly and easily.

The most notable feature of Elitesingles is their detailed personality test; the results of this test will determine the various matches that the website recommends to you on a daily basis. Members will receive anywhere from 3 to 7 new matches per day, with the matches being determined by personality and preference compatibility as well as level of activity—users who do not log onto the website and use it will be recommended far less than users who actually participate. This method of matching is ideal for people who don’t have the time to try out searches and filters to browse through endless potential matches on their own.

Dating Sites For International Women


The 1-month membership subscription is very steep—around $60 for a single month. You can save money by being 3-month, 6-month and annual subscriptions (a yearly subscription is around $215, or about only $17 per month!) but if you just want to try out the website to see if you like it, you’ll have to pay a hefty upfront cost. Although the automatic matching is helpful, the option to do some type of manual searching would make the website more accessible.

Overall Rating:4.0/5.0

#6 LoveMe.com

LoveMe, also known as Love Me: A Foreign Affair, is a geared specifically towards men who are looking for international matching and dating opportunities.

The website is specifically designed for men who are seriously interested in finding women in foreign countries (especially Russia, the Ukraine, Latin America, and Asian countries) for love and eventually marriage. It is a very popular site for men interested in finding international relationships, so there a lot of female matches for members to browse through, which means that most men will be able to find many women who fit their preferences. The website is upfront about its goals for users—marriage—and its operation abides by the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act laws to ensure that any matches founded through the website are legitimate and legal.

The website itself does not look professional and needs a re-design to make it easier to use. The basic paid membership fee is fairly expensive, starting at $95 for the first month and $30 for each month after that; this basic membership comes with the ability to message 100 users. Members will need to purchase the Executive Plan Membership if they want unlimited communication potions and to be able to do things such as: video message women on the website, read in-depth interviews with their potential matches, have a three-way phone call with their matches which includes translation services, or even arrange private meetings and immigration attorney consultants.

Overall Rating:3.5/5.0

#7 OKCupid.com

What Is The Best International Dating Site

If you are searching for the top choice for international dating app, this is another option that should be part of your list. One of the best things about this is that you should answer personality questions. Answer it as honestly as possible since this will be used to find your match from the other members of the site. Member participation is one thing that sets it apart from many others. There are also many quirky tests that can be taken. It is also user-friendly, which will make it a snap to use, even for beginners.

Overall Rating:3.5/5.0

#8 Zoosk.com

This dating app started in 2007 as a Facebook application. Now, this is considered as one of the most prominent online dating sites, as proven by the positive feedbacks from majority of its users. One of its best features is the Zoosk Scientific Matchmaking Service, making it easy to be connected to other members. The app can also be used as a virtual currency, which can be used for buying electronic gifts. It also has a newsfeed that is connected to Facebook.

Overall Rating:3.5/5.0

#9 Mate1.com

With this dating app, you will be able to break geographical boundaries and easily connect with other users from different parts of the world. Whether you are attracted to an Asian or a Westerner, among others, it will be easy for you to find a foreign girlfriend. With this adult dating portal, you will enjoy an intuitive website and app that makes it easy to communicate with other members. Whether you are looking for someone to marry or a girl to flirt with, this is an excellent place.

Best Dating Sites For Women

Overall Rating:3.0/5.0

#10 ForeignGirlfriend.com

ForeignGirlfriend is designed for men who are interested in meeting women from foreign countries for love, dating, and eventually marriage.

Best International Dating Site Reviews

The website is meant for men who are serious about finding an international woman to fall in love with, marry, and bring back to his home country. Members can search for a potential foreign match by using filters that narrow down women by their age, location/home country, hair color, eye color, ethnicity, and even their education level. Male users can send chat requests or emails to women on the website, who can choose to respond either through the website’s chat function or through an email service.

The website uses a credit system rather than a monthly or annual subscription fee. Credits are required for using features on the site such as contacting women, sending and receiving emails, and finding matches. The site charges $199.99 for 1000 credits, $47.99 for 160 credits, and $7.99 for 20 credits. The credit system can be confusing and the site would be served best through a standard membership fee. Despite being designed for men interested in foreign marriages, ForeignGirlfriend doesn’t have tools to help men serious about marrying their matches such as access to translators or immigration attorneys.

Yahoo International Dating Site

Overall Rating:3.0/5.0