Coffee Meets Bagel Update
Editing Your CMB Profile on an iOS Device. Tap your 'Profile' icon. Tap “View and edit your profile.”. Tap the 'Edit' button in the top right corner. Switch between your 'Photos and Details' at the top to edit each section. Tap “Done” in the top right hand corner when finished. Should I join Coffee Meets Bagel? This dating app is relatively low risk and inarguably 'spices up one's lunch hour' — BUT, does that mean it's worth your time or money? We explain how CMB works.
- Coffee Meets Bagels Review before Shark Tank Update A second round of Venture Capital recently completed in May 2014 for an additional $2.8 million to further grow the Coffee Meets Bagel Dating Site. Exactly who participated in the second round of funding seems to be a mystery as far as I can tell at this time.
- Coffee Meets Bagel After Shark Tank. After the Coffee Meets Bagel episode of Shark Tank, the Kang sisters raised $23.2 million over the course of five funding rounds. The app is still available on both Android and Apple devices and has reportedly 10 million users – but overall, it seems to be struggling.
- Coffee Satisfies Bagel Before Shark Tank. Coffee suits Bagel is a concept that is impressive makes use of shared buddy matching to just take driving a car and doubt away from internet dating. The user-friendly application culls data from Facebook friends and shared connections to get a top-quality match that is romantic.
At A Glance
Coffee Meets Bagel is one of the first dating apps geared towardswomen and a great starting point if you’re after long-term romance. Launched in2012, it boasts a rather young pool of members and caters to singles worldwide.Similar to Hinge, it tends to use your Facebook profile to find you the rightmatches, and it focuses on getting you offline as quickly as possible. It is agreat choice for women, but shier men could also find it a great starting pointin the online dating world.
Bumble has become one of the world’s most popularsite since its formation in 2014. This revolutionary app was founded by Tinder’sco-founder, Whitney Wolfe, who left Tinder to launch this amazing platform that’salso geared towards women. Since it was founded by the same person, Bumble sharesnumerous features with its sister app, Tinder, and is ridiculously easy to use.This women-friendly app has gained over 12.5 million members worldwide.
How to Choose a Dating App
Choosing a datingapp is never easy, particularly when you’re a single woman concerned aboutsafety. Bigger players, such as Match or eHarmony tend to be all-roundplatforms that put user safety before anything.
But if you’renot feeling like investing huge amounts of money in finding a partner, perhapspicking a free yet women-friendly dating app could be a better idea.
Both Coffee Meets Bagel and Bumble are excellent options. They are bothcentered on women, and you can pick the right one based on your purpose.
Do you wanta long-term relationship or look for casual dating?
The formeris ideal if you’re looking for a long-term commitment.
The lattercould be a great choice for finding a partner, but many people on it look forcasual dating too.
If you don’tknow which to pick, let’s have an in-depth look at each app in thishead-to-head comparison.
Both appshave excellent user pools, and they are both available in many countries, but Bumble appears to lead. The site isaccessible in almost all continents, covering about 20 countries. Coffee Meets Bagel also hasinternational coverage but is only popular in a few countries. This means youstand no chance of finding a partner on this platform if you don’t live in theUSA, UK, Australia, China or Canada.
Bumbleenjoys much more popularity than Coffee Meets Bagel. That is one conclusion wecan’t argue about. It is at this moment I wish to name my first-round winner inthis head-to-head competition. Bumble.
Website | Availability | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | Popular in 5countries | Read review |
Bumble | 20 countries | Read review |
Winner: Bumble
Thepopularity of a site typically depends on the number of countries it covers,but not always.
Despitecovering 20 countries, Bumble only receives about 900,000 visits per month fromits 11,000 weekly users. Even though women are the key drivers of relationshipsin this site, there is a very minute difference between the number of men andthe number of women on the site.
One crucial factor that one needs to put into consideration when choosing this site is its availability in your area. If you reside in the rural areas, you are likely to spend months or years finding a match on Bumble. Remember, online daters are selective, and where you live is one significant determinant. Primarily, most online dating users live around the city irrespective of the site they're using.
Coffee Meets Bagel might be popular infive countries only, but it counts over 7 million visits. That’s quite impressive,to be honest. Perhaps the key is its women-empowering approach and the factthat it focuses on finding you a long-term match.
Regardless ofthe reason, the truth is that Coffee Meets Bagel wins this round, and ourhead-to-head competition is now a tie.
Website | Visits | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | 7 million | Read review |
Bumble | 900,000 | Read review |
Winner: Coffee Meets Bagel

Sign-up Process
The sign-upprocess for both sites isn’t rocket science. It will only take you a fewminutes to sign up. Any tech-savvy individual can sign up comfortably within 15minutes. The apps are also safe as they do not ask too much personalinformation. Bumble has a straightforward process due to its long list ofcountries and vast members. Both Bumbleand Coffee Meet Bagel ask for education, work, and other general information.
It isdifficult to tell which site is easier and faster to sign up, so I have to callthis a tie.
Website | Sign-Up Process | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | 10-15 minutes | Read review |
Bumble | 10-15 minutes | Read review |
Winner: Tie
When itcomes to features, Bumble seems to be more vibrant. Coffee Meets Bagel hasgeneral features due to its massive user pool. Any single member from 18 to 50years can use the app comfortably. Premium members of both sites can enjoygreat features to help get a perfect match, but Coffee Meets Bagel has chatrooms, it can import your pictures from Facebook, has messenger notifications,and even a poke feature. This round, Coffee Meets Bagel wins. Claps!
Website | Features | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | A wide range offeatures | Read review |
Bumble | A wide array offeatures | Read review |
Winner: Coffee Meets Bagel
Quality of Matches
We don'tneed to make a comparison based on the quality of the matches. The winner is CoffeeMeets Bagel! How did I know? Well, let's be logical. Bumble comes up as analternative to Tinder. Tinder is known for its pro-hook-ups approach to onlinedating, and just because only women can initiate conversation on Bumble, it doesn’tmean you’ll find long-term partners there.
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On CoffeeMeets Bagel, it can happen to find unserious users, but it's rarer. With thatsaid, Coffee Meets Bagel takes the trophy once more.
Website | Quality of Matches | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | Outstanding | Read review |
Bumble | Excellent | Read review |
Winner: Coffee Meets Bagel
Super Coffee Shark Tank Update
Aesthetics and Interface
Both appshave and use clean aesthetics. The design on each app looks quite basic. Bumblehas launched a Bumble Mag—a magazine distributed offline for free for peopleliving in the United States when you request for it. Therefore, without goingfar into more details, I can confidently give this one a tie. Both apps aregreat and are doing well as far as aesthetics and interface are concerned.
Both appswin!
Website | Aesthetics and Interface | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | Intuitive interface | Read review |
Bumble | Intuitive interface | Read review |
Winner: Tie
Most datingsites have premiums that come in packages for various perks. The more you pay,the better the services. This is no different for Coffee Meets Bagel andBumble. However, the payment system is quite different between the two.
Bumble offersthe traditional two, four, and eight-month plans. Coffee Meets Bagel lets youbuy beans, an in-app currency you can use to buy various perks.
Which oneis cheaper truly depends on how well you can manage your in-app funds. For thesimplicity of things, I kind of prefer Bumble.
Coffee Meets Bagel | N° of Beans | Price | Bumble | Subscription length | Price/month |
Readreview | 100 | $1.99 | Read review | Two months | $24.35 |
2,000 | $23.99 | Four months | $12.75 | ||
3,000 | $24.99 | Eight months | $10.18 |
Winner: Bumble
Who Is It For?

Coffee Meets Bagel Update 2019
Most datingsites have no restrictions on the type of relationship the members can indulgein. However, both apps are geared more towards straight men and women.
Website | Who Is It For | Link |
Coffee Meets Bagel | Straight men andwomen | Read review |
Bumble | Straight men andwomen | Read review |
Winner: Tie
And The Winner Is…
Hard andtough it was, but we got a winner! Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all clap for… Coffee Meets Bagel!
Yes, mostof us saw it coming. Therefore, it wasn't as surprising as I wanted it to be.Congratulations on reading through and identifying the winner before I couldannounce it. That is really motivating.
This app hasgreat features. It is also easy to use. It unites members as it allows peoplefrom different countries, with different orientations and ages to interact andfind love. Coffee Meets Bagel is an app for everyone.
Coffee Meets Bagel Shark Tank Update
Well, Bumble is not doing bad itself because itbagged a few points. It also has a strong theme whose aim is to empower womenand allow a female-friendly dating site.
Whicheveryou choose, make sure to let me know in a comment below; I’d love to hear fromyou.
Coffee Meets Bagel Review
And beforeyou go, don’t forget to share this article with your girlfriends. Let them knowthat women-friendly dating sites are a thing now, and these two I featured inthis article can be excellent choices.
Coffee Meets Bagel Shark Tank Update
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